In a groundbreaking revelation that has the skincare world buzzing like a hive of particularly well-moisturized bees, the beauty industry has announced a revolutionary new face cream with a catch so peculiar, it sounds like something from a Monty Python sketch. The face cream, whimsically named “Tuesday Tonic,” promises to reverse aging but comes with a slight caveat: it only works on every third Tuesday. The cream’s creators, the eccentric skincare company OddWeek Labs, claim this unique formula was discovered quite by accident when their lead scientist mistakenly spilled a vial of quantum moisturizer over a calendar.

“It was either a brilliant stroke of luck or the universe reminding us all to keep better track of our schedules,” remarked Dr. Ima Whiz, chief alchemist at OddWeek Labs. “We quickly realized the formula activated in line with an astrological alignment that occurs specifically every third Tuesday on the Gregorian calendar.”

Customers eager to hear about the science behind reversing the aging process were instead greeted with an explanation that seemed to require several cups of chamomile tea just to comprehend. Apparently, the cream harnesses the power of “temporal elasticals”—a made-up term that doesn’t appear in any known scientific dictionary but sounds impressive enough to sell jars by the crateload.

OddWeek Labs assures users that using the cream on days outside the approved schedule will not have adverse effects, but their testing has shown limited results, ranging from complete ineffectiveness to the faint establishment of time loops (“a weird temporal hiccup,” they explained). Mrs. Edna Scattergood, a devoted early adopter of Tuesday Tonic, reported an unusual incident where she accidentally reverted to her 30s but only for two hours, after which she found herself suddenly filled with an inexplicable urge to buy CDs of obscure British pop bands.

Despite the anomalies, testimonials have been pouring in, with compelling anecdotes of rejuvenation narrowly associated with specific Tuesday usage. “I woke up on the third Tuesday after applying Tuesday Tonic, and my laugh lines disappeared,” shared local user Tom Pugwash. “The only downside was that my smile now permanently resembles a smirk. People at work are a bit confused about whether I’m genuinely amused or just plotting something.”

OddWeek Labs plans to expand the line with additional products that follow unconventional schedules. A potential sunscreen called “Solstice Shield,” effective only on days with a solar eclipse, and “Weekend Wrinkle-Lifter,” working exclusively on bank holiday Sundays, are already said to be in the testing phases.

For now, loyal fans of Tuesday Tonic are marking their calendars with fervent precision and stocking up for every third Tuesday like they’re preparing for an anti-aging armageddon. Will this fantastically finicky formula take the beauty world by storm or just leave us all with a surplus of unused moisturizer? Only time—and maybe every third Tuesday—will tell.

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